This two-session series will take place on December 1st & December 8th
About this event
Whether you are a beginning teacher, or looking to reflect on years of teaching experience with a fresh lens, this workshop will provide ways to establish your classroom through strategies and practices that have been seen to work time and time again no matter who your students are.
This series will provide you with tools you can immediately implement into your classroom, questions for reflection, examples of how to foster relationships, and tips on how to keep your sanity. Return to your classroom with practical ideas pertaining to classroom management and teacher self-care.
Location: Online
Cost: $99
Walter Cullin Jr. is an experienced educator who currently serves as an associate principal at Messmer Catholic Schools. Throughout his tenure in education, he has served as a teacher, coach, mentor and administrator. No matter his role, he always stresses the importance of students being intrinsically motivated. As a teacher, he cultivated a classroom culture that fostered an inclusive classroom community. He marveled at how students were willing to listen and learn when they were seen as stakeholders. This drove Walter to venture into consulting educators and providing them with strategies and skills to generate genuine, long-lasting connections with their students. He aims to provide guidance to educators navigating the urban education arena in effort to provide students with a wholesome and rich educational experience that exudes longevity.
Wyll Holloway is a professional educator who has worked in various roles and capacities throughout Milwaukee’s inner city for the past 25 years. Currently, he is a school counselor, a role he has been in for the past 13 years at Messmer Catholic Schools. In this role he continues to use his unique knowledge and skillset to get students from dependent kindergarteners to semi-independent middle school graduates. It has been his overall goal to help students, families, and educators find their voice, passions, and path for success during this time using a calm easy-going, and down to Earth approach. Wyll has been a mentor, tutor, basketball coach, teacher, counselor, and part-time administrator through his time working with various students from many backgrounds. Cultivating relationships and taking interest in those he serves has been a lynchpin to his success. He has been a part of many teams and loves to work with people to help find the best solutions to unique problems. He now wants to take this opportunity to help educators by giving them the skills needed to excel in the urban classroom and beyond.